I'm eBay seller since 2008 in this article will try to analize challenges that I haved to solve during this adventure
If you have stuff for selling this is excelent place to be visible all over the world
When you have registration in eBay you easy can sell in all other eBay sites (for example your American stuff is better to be sold in Europe and your European stuff is better to be sold in USA
You can make profesisonal looking listings with a lot of onformation)
For that reson sell international (again even if you have your local eBay it is great opportunity to atract international bidders)
You can buy a lot of durty cheap things especially from China and Hong Kong for your own consumig you rarelly will have a Customs issue(depends of value and quantitiy)
If you are not US citizen or do not have a local eBay site there is no big benefits to starve to became Power seller or Top rated seller
There was a very stupid shipping policy - when you try to estimate your shipping costs in some cases may be they are excceed alowed
Seller protection - this is hilarious buyers rule you pay only taxes sellers can't leave a negative or neutral feedback only positive
Detailed seller ratings criteria:
Item as described and Communication - that is perfect
Shiping time - are you crazy??? You are not postal operator to can manage any logistic issue like international transport or domestic prossecing and delivery
Shipping and handling charges - I'm allways trying to provide actual shipping costs and do not include gasoline to the postal office or packaging materials (unfortunately a lot of sellers include all taxes and shipping materials and extra cost in the shipping costs), but as a buyer I have to check amount of stamps in local curency and compare the rate with US dolar - Who do this alwaysTaxes - be carefull especially new sellers (nowadays there is 100 free listings auction format) but you have to be ready to pay in the end of month
By he way you have 3 taxes selling on eBay
For the listings
for the final vaue
for the PayPal payment ( thats why a lot of Germans do not use PayPal)
Any comments are welcome!